Title III - English Language Development Services
What are English Language Development services?
English Language Development instruction is provided to students who have limited English proficiency. Instruction is designed to ensure students learn English quickly so rigorous academic standards can be met in the general education curriculum. Services include direct instruction for students whose English language is not yet fluent, monitoring of progress once a student has exited direct services and collaboration with general education teachers to ensure student's instructional needs are met.
How are students identified for ELD Services?
Upon registration, parents complete a home language use survey. This information is used to identify students who may require an assessment to determine eligibility for district ELD services. Students are tested to determine their level of English proficiency. Communication with the student's parents and teacher also provide relevant information about a student's need for English language development.
Teri Braun- District ESL/ELD Teacher @ 503-324-2772
ELL Local Plan of Service
ODE Annual Report on English Learners
English Language Proficiency Standards
English Language Proficiency Standards at a glance
English Language Development instruction is provided to students who have limited English proficiency. Instruction is designed to ensure students learn English quickly so rigorous academic standards can be met in the general education curriculum. Services include direct instruction for students whose English language is not yet fluent, monitoring of progress once a student has exited direct services and collaboration with general education teachers to ensure student's instructional needs are met.
How are students identified for ELD Services?
Upon registration, parents complete a home language use survey. This information is used to identify students who may require an assessment to determine eligibility for district ELD services. Students are tested to determine their level of English proficiency. Communication with the student's parents and teacher also provide relevant information about a student's need for English language development.
Teri Braun- District ESL/ELD Teacher @ 503-324-2772
ELL Local Plan of Service
ODE Annual Report on English Learners
English Language Proficiency Standards
English Language Proficiency Standards at a glance