Banks School District Nursing Services
This form is to be filled out if student will be absent from school due to illness in order to determine when they may return to school. |
Who receives nursing services?
Healthy children are successful learners! The school nurse role is multi-faceted, supporting the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process.
Many of our students have health issues such as asthma, severe allergies, seizures or diabetes. If your child has a condition which may impact their health, safety or learning please contact the District Nurse.
Important Information
Washington County Health Department recommends practicing these healthy habits to help keep your child and our schools safe.
OHP provides little or no cost health care for those who qualify. Click on the link below for more information
Applying for Health Coverage
Coordinated Care Organization Information
Dental Resources for Portland Metro Area
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE) Care Plan
Allergy Questionnaire // also available in Spanish
Authorization for Meds (Form A)
District Immunization Rates
Healthy Kids for a Healthy Oregon
Pertussis Info // also available in Spanish
Self Medication Form (Form B)
Too Sick for School // also available in Spanish
Healthy children are successful learners! The school nurse role is multi-faceted, supporting the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process.
Many of our students have health issues such as asthma, severe allergies, seizures or diabetes. If your child has a condition which may impact their health, safety or learning please contact the District Nurse.
Important Information
Washington County Health Department recommends practicing these healthy habits to help keep your child and our schools safe.
- Wash hands, frequently and thoroughly (At least 20 seconds)
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Cover coughs and sneezes (With the inside of your arm or tissue)
- Keep children home when ill
- Get vaccinated (H1N1 and seasonal influenza)
- Covid-19 Information
- Flu, Norovirus and Enterovirus D68 information
- Flu, Norovirus and Enterovirus D68 information (Spanish)
- Healthy Habits - Hand Hygiene
- Healthy Habits - Respiratory-Etiquette
OHP provides little or no cost health care for those who qualify. Click on the link below for more information
Applying for Health Coverage
Coordinated Care Organization Information
Dental Resources for Portland Metro Area
- Braces Assistance for Low Income Families:
$30 Application Fee
$600 Required Financial Investment
Click HERE for more information and application process. - All Saints Episcopal Church Dental Van: (503) 777.3829
Urgent Dental Needs Only - MTI (Medical Teams International) Dental Hotline: (503) 624.1026
Urgent Dental Needs Only - Pacific University: (503) 352.7373
Cleanings and Exams Only - PCC Dental Clinic Sylvania Campus: (971) 722.4909
Cleanings, Fillings and Exams - Tigard Family Dental: (503) 968.2901
Provides discount for those without insurance, also accepts OHP - Virginia Garcia Memorial Dental Hotline
- Beaverton Dental: (503) 352.6006
- Cornelius: (503) 359.8505
- Hillsboro: (503) 352.2354
- McMinnville: (503) 883.4700
- Newberg: (971) 281.3050
- Tualatin School-Based Health Center: (503) 431.5975
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE) Care Plan
Allergy Questionnaire // also available in Spanish
Authorization for Meds (Form A)
District Immunization Rates
Healthy Kids for a Healthy Oregon
Pertussis Info // also available in Spanish
Self Medication Form (Form B)
Too Sick for School // also available in Spanish
Concussion Information in Spanish
Concussion info in youth sports Concussion information sheet Heads Up! Concussion Parent Fact Sheet |