Achievement Compact Advisory Committee
The charge of the District Achievement Compact Advisory Committee (ACAC) is to analyze and set goals for student achievement and create specific plans for improvement related to goals set. The committee will keep in mind the ultimate goal of the Oregon Education Investment Board is the 40-40-20 vision, which is a 100% graduation rate for our students with:
As per the dictates of SB 1581, which established achievement compacts in Oregon, we will need to attend to these seven tasks:
Note-all ACAC meetings are to be posted as public meetings so anyone may attend.
Key Outcomes and Measures
As per the 7-point task list, there are several key outcomes and measures of student progress which must be addressed in the compacts. As you can see, the only measure of student achievement via State Testing is for grade 3 in reading and math. This means that we will be well advised to look at K-2 practices as we set goals for improvement of student achievement with state testing scores in grade 3. So, K-2 teachers definitely play a role in the process, if not via the ACAC, maybe a subcommittee or subgroup for discussion. The other indicators have imbedded achievement elements within. Therefore the ACAC, with its diverse insights from a variety of participating members, will analyze each indicator and make recommendations for growth and the connected pathways to meet the recommended goals set by the ACAC.
- December 4, 2012 Meeting
- December 18, 2012 Meeting
- January 24, 2013 Meeting
- December 4, 2012 Meeting
- December 18, 2012 Meeting
- January 24, 2013 Meeting
- February 13, 2013 Meeting
- March 6, 2013 Meeting
The charge of the District Achievement Compact Advisory Committee (ACAC) is to analyze and set goals for student achievement and create specific plans for improvement related to goals set. The committee will keep in mind the ultimate goal of the Oregon Education Investment Board is the 40-40-20 vision, which is a 100% graduation rate for our students with:
- 40% of students attaining a 4 year post high school degree,
- 40% acquiring a post high school degree at a 2 year institution, and
- 20% moving into the workforce prepared for a trade or other profession by the year 2025.
As per the dictates of SB 1581, which established achievement compacts in Oregon, we will need to attend to these seven tasks:
- Develop plans for achieving the District's outcomes.
- Develop measures of progress.
- Develop goals and targets for our local achievement compact which will include methods of assessing and reporting progress toward the achievement goals and targets.
- Recommend final outcomes, measures of progress, goals and targets to be contained in our local achievement compact.
- Present recommendations in a written report to the Board on or before the January Board Meeting on February 1, 2013, this means the January Board Meeting. I am also recommending a copy of the recommendations go to the District Budget Committee and will seek action by our Board in April of 2013.
- Forward our local achievement compact to Oregon's Education Investment Board's Chief Executive Officer, Rudy Crew, on or before June 30, 2013.
- Provide on-going communication with students, parents, the community, the Board and all employees of the District during and after the creation of the local achievement compact.
Note-all ACAC meetings are to be posted as public meetings so anyone may attend.
Key Outcomes and Measures
As per the 7-point task list, there are several key outcomes and measures of student progress which must be addressed in the compacts. As you can see, the only measure of student achievement via State Testing is for grade 3 in reading and math. This means that we will be well advised to look at K-2 practices as we set goals for improvement of student achievement with state testing scores in grade 3. So, K-2 teachers definitely play a role in the process, if not via the ACAC, maybe a subcommittee or subgroup for discussion. The other indicators have imbedded achievement elements within. Therefore the ACAC, with its diverse insights from a variety of participating members, will analyze each indicator and make recommendations for growth and the connected pathways to meet the recommended goals set by the ACAC.